Watt's New

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  • Mt. VACA HUB & CARLA 16 will be down Sunday, Oct 1st
    Mt. VACA HUB & CARLA 16 will be down Sunday, Oct 1st
    Last updated on September 30, 2017 by The C.A.R.L.A. Team | This article is Archived | Permalink

    The Mt. Vaca Hub and CARLA 16 will be down for several hours on Sunday 10/1/2017 for
    some maintenance and upgrade work.

    This is the main hub for the Carla system so all main links will be offline during this outage.
    This means that most of the Carla repeaters will be effectively unlinked during this time and
    will be in "standalone" mode.

    The Nevada hub (systems 18, 21, 22, 23, 24 and system 8) will still be linked to each other
    but not to the rest of the Carla system.

    The Shasta hub (systems 13, 20, 25, 28) will still be linked to each other
    but not to the rest of the Carla system.

    Systems 19, 4, 29, 30, and 31 will still be linked to each other
    but not to the rest of the Carla system.

    The system should be returned to normal service by 6:00PM (1800hrs) (01:00UTC).